Tuesday 5 July 2016

SAMPLE: Format of preliminary pages

Preliminary pages:

  • Acknowledgment 
  • Declaration
  • Approval ( this should contain two positions where the organization and school supervisors must sign) - Append stamps
  • Abstract 
  • List of Figures
  • List of Tables
  • Table of Contents
  • List of Acronyms / Abbreviations


First and foremost I would like to thank precious and merciful God for giving me all the necessary strength, knowledge, wisdom and moral ability to complete this workshop training report.

I would like to express my utmost gratitude to the administration of Kampala International University for providing me the opportunity to pursue the engineering workshop training as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for Diploma award in Telecommunication Engineering.

Much appreciation extends to my family, specifically to my parents who supported me the most in my education, financially and morally as well.


I Baba Harrison sincerely declare that this report is my own work and the details of training and experience contained in this report describe my involvement as a trainee in the field of Telecommunications Engineering. All the information contained in this report is certain and correct to the best of my knowledge.

Signature: ..............................................

Date: .....................................................


This report is submitted to Kampala International University, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Department of Electrical, Telecommunication and Computer Engineering for examination with my approval as the candidate’s university supervisor.

School supervisor:

Name: ………………………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………………………….

Date: ……. /…….. /……………

Organization supervisor:

Name: ………………………………………………………

Signature: ………………………………………………….

Date: ……. /…….. /……………


This workshop training report is about “electrical wiring, computer hardware/software circuit connection, surveying and building construction etc” a case study of Kampala International University.

The workshop training report was conducted in (number of days) during the practical training. Much emphasis was put on studying procedures of carrying out electrical wiring, circuit connections, surveying and concepts of building construction.

Chapter one: (summarize what you have writing done in chapter one only, don`t include diagrams)

Chapter two: (summarize what you have writing done in chapter two only, don`t include diagrams)

Chapter three: (summarize what you have writing done in chapter three only, don`t include diagrams)


Chapter one
Figure 1.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Figure 1.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number

Chapter two
Figure 2.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Figure 2.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number

Chapter three
Figure 3.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Figure 3.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number


Chapter one
Table 1.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Table 1.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number

Chapter two
Table 2.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Table 2.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number

Chapter three
Table 3.0 Showing levels obtained after measurements at four different points............page number
Table 3.1 Showing bill of quantity for setting out a building……………………...page number


Table of contents should be automatically generated, but if you have challanges on how to auto generate table of content you can place you comment below or conatnt us but the format is 

  1. Preliminary pages
  2. Chapter one
  3. Chapter two
  4. Chanter three
  5. Conclusions
  6. Appendices
  7. References 


K.I.U Kampala International University
H.O.Ds         Head Of Departments
D.C              Direct Current
L1                Line 1
L2                Line 2




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